Submerged/Encapsulated/U tube type/ L type/Skid based

- In Situ
- Cost Conscious
- Automatic & Manual
- Hazard Free
- Integreated System
SEVACPURE® is a safe and risk free method of generating Chlorine Dioxide, the genration takes place underwater and in-situ. The generation takes place internally with the reaction Sodium chlorite and Hypochloric acid and in three chemical requirement sodium hypochlorite is used. It is suitable with all types of water and designed to fit as per the users application. SEVACPURE® is easily scalable to required capacities depending upon user requirement. The system is complete with required ancillary items to make operation and installation easy.
- In Situ
- Easily Scalable
- Variable Capacities
- Versatile System Integration & Safety Parameters
- Automatic & Manual
- Superior MOC
- CT Disinfection
- Cooling Water Treatment
- Raw Water
- Circulating Water
- Effluent Treatment Plants
- Refineries